Irvine Nice Restaurant – Korean BCD – 얼바인맛집 북창동순두부

The House that Tofu Built

Started from one branch in 1996, BCD now has 13 branches. BCD was inspired by a passion to spread Korea’s wonderful cuisine around the World. BCD continues to focus on its taste, health benefits, food quality and so much more.

The BCD Story starts with Hee Sook Lee, first generation Korean immigrants who loves to cook and share with her family. Her mother-­in-­law owned a restaurant in “Bukchang Dong” (city in Korea, which BCD is named after), where Mrs. Lee gained early training in food industry. After immigrating to America, Mrs. Lee chose to focus on Soon Tofu among thousands of other Korean foods, due to its superb taste and health benefits. She has a vision to be succeessful in America, and is building her dream one bowl at a time.

북창동 순두부집은 워낙에 얼바인에서 유명하죠 ^_^

간단하면서 맛있게 먹을수 있는 메뉴들이 대부분인데 개인적으로 곱창순두부를 즐겨 먹습니다.

한국에서 친지분이 오시면 꼭 모시고 가는 곳이기도 하지요..

좋은점은 음식주문후 바로 다양한 메뉴가 나온다는거구요

불편한점은 줄이 너무길어서 많이 기다려야한다는 점입니다. 투고도 가능합니다.

주차하기가 힘든점은 모든분 겪어봐서 아실테고요..

♦ Google Verified Reviews

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